Projects are all enterprises that have a scientific aim or that are the result of innovative science and research. Research projects will be proposed by partners and will be evaluated with help of NOVARA-kuratorium (board of trustees). The projects will then be executed by the partners. NOVARA-expedition offers the frame, the organisation, and the infrastructure.
NOVARA-expedition in conjunction with the evaluation committee generates the optimal mix of contents. The sum of projects offers a multiplicity of possibilities for, first, cooperations and alliances and, second, for actions and activities for communication.
Projects will from one of the three themes: technology, nature, and society.
Project propositions
The projects mentioned above have not been evaluated yet.
Projects will be executed in the form of:
research assignments
expert panels
material testing, workshops, and the like.
Zero-emission energy balance systems solar power, wind power, fuel cells
(innovation, concept, capacity)
Alternative drive train technologies hybrid drive, hydrogen engines, kite sails
(innovation, concept, capacity)
Environmental technology water treatment, waste recycling
(capacity, conversion scenarios)
Bionics applications of surfaces, structure in vehicle construction
(innovation, concept, capacity)
Material testing long-term loading with wind, weather, temperature, light, sea water
Communication and navigation technologies
(innovations, future scenarios, developments, product tests)
Sustainable procedures for waste water of mega-cities
(capacity, environmental impact, conversion scenarios, national and international promotion schemes)
„Red Bio-technology“ new pharmaceuticals and vaccines, improved diagnostics and more individual treatments from medicine and pharmacy
Gene resources Diversity of useful plants (exchange programs with local research partners)
Marine biological exploration in selected hot spots Hot Spots of diversity
(e.g. Madagascar, Comores, Seychelles, Mascat)
Microbial ecology in transition zones inland water ocean estuary
UV radiation, plankton extinction CO2 increase; examination of the climatic relation of an increase in UV radiation, extinction of plankton and an increase of the CO2 concentration
Underwater acoustical investigation Measurements of the noise level in the ocean (with hydrophones)
Humans and bio-technology / future scenarios
pharmacy, politics, philosophy, gene-technology
Waste water and waste reduction
sustainability, economic, and social dimensions
Mega-cities: globalisation and the environment opportunity or threat for society
Comparative social history of stops of the historical Novara-expedition
18571859 in comparison to the present
„When places vanish“
the phenomenon of sea-level-rising and its implications on migration, ethnology, and politics in the Southern Pacific region and Europe