NOVARA-expedition™ is convinced that the buzzword globalisation stands for more than just the continuing integration of markets. This is based on the belief that the linkage of chances and challenges is not solely of economic, but of economic, social, and ecological nature. Humanity and its decision-makers have the opportunity and responsibility, to lead the common world into more wealth, more liberty, and better living conditions for a growing number of people. At the same time enormous challenges have to be dealt with: poverty has to be battled, peace and justice have to be protected or established, living space has to be preserved. The challenges can only be coped with if a global approach is chosen.
NOVARA-expedition™ is convinced that globalisation can only work a positive force if innovation is its engine that serves the interest of the whole world. Innovation in the sense of technological and social progress; innovation also in the sense of creation of awareness towards balance and coordination of interests between first and third world countries; and innovation in the sense of social responsibility for governments and corporations, while preserving individual responsibility and democracy as a social leitbild.
NOVARA-expedition™ is committed to the here outlined thought of "positive globalisation". Innovation is of utmost importance of our business activities. NOVARA-expedition™ sees itself as an ideas generator, that wants to create innovations to step into the next dimension of global progress.